Monday, March 31, 2014

Lovey-dovey talk

If your words are just words and mean nothing, then you are really horrible. Because you are serenading me and making me fall for you all over again. why do i love you so?

Monday, March 17, 2014

I still love you

It's funny, it's been 3 months since I've been with you. It seems really fast but it also seems like it's been longer than that. I can't decide.

Been talking to my friends and they are very empathetic to our situation and whilst they are doing their best not to judge, they have made it clear to me they don't like me being with you very much. I would probably feel the same if one of my friends suffered so visibly while he/she was in a relationship. Lol. That's what you do to me, make my friends hate you. 哈哈。

While speaking to one of my friends, who said he thought it was pretty clear to him that I'm over you, I kinda realized.... I ain't over you at all. I've just gotten used to the way things are with us. It doesn't bother me so much anymore; and I've realized why.


My love for you has kept me sane through all this. To be honest - and my friends know this about me - I do not take shit from people. But with you.... It's different. I guess that's why my friends are bothered. And when I ask myself why I go through with it, the answer is always the same; 因为我依然爱你。

Things with us are not so bad now, I feel. 我已经习惯了。I just wish I get to see you soon, that's all. No other wishes or expectations. So many men buzz around me these days. It's nice, it truly is. You made me start going to the gym and now it's paying off. But with every man I am with, I always end up wishing they were you instead. I guess even if i wanted to, I couldn't break our promise. My heart is still only for you.

Really feel like traveling around China. Might plan to do it soon. Maybe you can visit me then... better still, 你可以陪我走。 呵呵 :)

Monday, March 3, 2014

For all the ...


For all the pain you put me through.
For all the tears you've made me shed
For all the nights of sleep you made me lose

For all the promises you never kept
For all the messages you never replied
For all the hurt my heart has felt

For all the things you've asked of me
Not once have I said no
Yet not once have you thought of how I'd be.

For all the pain you put me through
For all the hope you made me lost
I have nothing more to say to you,
Than goddammit Samson, FUCK YOU!!!