Sunday, August 5, 2012

6th August 2012, I'm sorry!

Dear Diary,

Today I found some chocolate cake on the dining table and am really ashamed that I sneaked away and ate a slice of it outside the bathroom (where no one could see). Sometimes, reminding myself why I'm vegan in the first place is not enough to overcome some of the temptations I guess.

Later that night, I ate some fried noodles and rice which had meat in em (but i obviously DIDN'T eat the meat, i just ate the noodles) and my brother was really shocked because he knows I don't usually do stuff like that.

So I just wanted to say I'm sorry to the animals that suffered for those dishes that I helped consume, but more importantly to myself as well because I seemed to have cheated myself today. Feeling really bad about it. I guess no one is perfect and we can't blame ourselves all the time when we falter. I really hope to be vegan my entire life and if that is to come true, imma have to find a solution to these cravings I've been having recently. God, have mercy on me!

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