Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My Dear Ah Liang.

My Dearest Ah Liang.

These 2 weeks have been tough without you. More so than I ever thought it could be. Maybe because I went from seeing you everyday to not seeing you at all (and may not ever be able to again!) that makes it so tough.

I've met a couple of guys. Had a couple of mini-dates, but it's been mostly sex. I'm still keeping my promise of having my heart only for you. I hope you are doing the same. How is china? I don't get to hear much from you. I know you don't want me to bother you with messaging you everyday but not hearing from you is eating away at me from the inside. 

There has not been a single day that I have not thought about you. Literally everyday. When I'm happy and when i'm sad; when I'm sober and I'm high. Every little thing brings memories and floods of emotion. 

I was on my way to the gym the other day, just like how we used to. Walked the same path; the many pigeons around, the sun above us. Then I saw someone, carrying a backpack like you would. My heart skipped a beat and everything in me wanted to run up and hug that person, just like how I used to when I saw you in the distance. I looked at him again. I knew he was not you. He didn't have your special 'macho' walk. He wasn't wearing your silly stripped singlet. He was not you. But damn, I wished he was. So that with every drop of hope I could claim victory over my pain, that you would indeed be a part of my life again and true love is more powerful than any governmental power. That distance would be no barrier to us. Alas, I was wrong. 

I miss you so much and the only reason I am writing here is because I dare not bother you with my feelings, lest I scare you away even further than where you already are from me. I wish you were here with me now, scolding me for being too clingy, treating me (and forcing me to) eat chicken rice. Asking me to translate your client's messages. 

I guess it's only really tough now, since this is only the beginning of our seperation. Maybe this phase will blow over.

When it does, will you still call me 亲爱的?


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