Wednesday, February 5, 2014

2nd Month Anniversary!

Can you believe it Ah Liang? 2 months!

I know it's a little cheesy to celebrate a '2 month anniversary', but with a relationship like ours, everyday is a reason to celebrate! After all, you ARE my first ever boyfriend and I guess I can't be blamed for being excited.

It seems like only yesterday that I was walking along Smith St in Chinatown, looking for the massageboy who messaged me. I remember how you said I was very smart for being able to understand and speak Mandarin. You don't know this, but after our very first time together and you walked with me to the train station, I was going crazy on the inside and I immediately called up my friend and told him what happened, after you left. Such a little girl I was.

Our time together does seem like an eternity. doesn't it? I mean, after all the shit we've seemed to have faced. I complained to God once, why my first relationship had to be this complicated... why I couldn't just get a regular Singaporean boy, make it easier for me. Just want you to know I have never regretted knowing and being with you. As many storms and as much darkness there was with us, there was a lot more sunshine and joy. You made me feel happiness I never knew existed.

I hope I've made you happy too.... I know I have. The smile on your face when we spent time together, you know I can never forget that. I see the little boy boy in you whenever you smile like that. Made me fall in love with you so much deeper.

You made my day today by chatting with me. You always brighten up my day when you message me. I know we may have fought a little bit but I guess we were both frustrated. I'm glad we both ended the conversation on a good note. I'm sorry if I've ever made things difficult for you; I know I am not qualified to be a boyfriend to someone as perfect as you, but I try very hard. I hope you can see that.

I remember you said you'd always be with me. I wonder if that will be true. I'm anxiously counting each day and I hope I will get to see you soon. It's very hard for me to even think of letting you go. Silly right? I know. Like you said before, I'm like a little kid. I am when I am with you.

Forgive me if I have ranted a little long here, and if my thoughts are a little frantic. You know me, once I start talking about you, I wont stop. You do that to me you see. I'm just really happy to have had 2 months with you. Everyday is a bonus! I hope you are safe and well, and I hope you think about me as much as I think about you. Till we meet again,

Happy Anniversary my love.

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